The success of an export lies in planning.
The choice of the best fertilizer suppliers, rigorous monitoring of production and logistics, combined with a solid financing structure, are essential factors for the efficiency and success of our trade balance. Therefore, Agrinitro relies on a team of specialists in the areas of commerce, trade finance, operations, logistics, and taxation, operating in the main export corridors of the country, such as Santos, Paranaguá, Santarém, and São Francisco do Sul, ensuring that our fertilizers reach their destination safely and efficiently.
With the goal of bringing the best fertilizers to Brazil, while meeting all financial, tax, and logistical requirements, Agrinitro is responsible for conducting operations on behalf of third parties, as well as making purchases and sales by order. In this way, we ensure technical oversight that guarantees safety, low costs, and feasibility in operations.
We maintain highly efficient logistical procedures that evaluate the characteristics of each operation, always focusing on cost reduction, agility, and reliability of deadlines.
Thus, Agrinitro, in partnership with strategic suppliers, offers a wide network of logistical services for its clients. Our supply chain is optimized with the best suppliers, ensuring efficiency from start to finish.
AgriNitro Fertilizantes Ltda.
Rua João André, 461, sala 5 – Iperoba
ZIP CODE 89240 000 – São Francisco do Sul/SC – BRAZIL
Administrative Office
Rua Iaiá, 77, conjuntos 11 e 12 – Itaim Bibi ZIP CODE 04542 060 – São Paulo/SP – BRAZIL
Financial Office
Export and import
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